Palm House B&B is two hours from Auckland, on SH 1 turn-off at Brynderwyns towards Matakohe and Dargaville. The turn-off to Pahi is just past the village of Paparoa, Palm House B&B is 7km down on the edge of the harbour - the last house on the left before the reserve. Just 13km from the famous Matakohe Museum and enroute to the spectacular Waipoua Kauri Forest.
Address: 669 Pahi Road, Pahi, New Zealand
+64 9 431 6689
reservation phone
+64 9 431 6689
EnquirePahi Activities - Local Highlights
Pahi Fishing Village

Pahi is a fishing village on the edge of the Kaipara Harbour - fish off the wharf, walk the edge of the harbour. Guests recently caught 3 large kahawai off the Pahi Wharf. Bring a boat if you have one - Pahi has an all-tide boat ramp and we have lots of parking.
Matakohe and the Famous Kauri Museum

A must-stop for all our visitors, the Kauri Museum is a fantastic experience, capturing the story of the early settlers and of the trees that once covered Northland. Visit Gumdiggers Cafe or have dinner at Matakohe House Dargaville - visit the Dargaville Museum and lookout, or drive a little further to Baylys Beach part of the longest beach in New Zealand - yes, longer than 90 Mile Beach!
The Kauri Coast

This part of the Twin Coast Discovery Highway is known as the Kauri Coast.
These mighty trees once covered the land and you can find out about them at the Kauri Museum north of Dargaville, the main highway takes you through the last great stand of kauri in the world - the mighty Waipoua Forest, home of Tane Mahuta. Do a night walk into the Kauri Forest with local Maori - hear the magic stories of these trees with Footprints tours.